Allegro MicroSystems benefits from having an on-site test facility!

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Allegro MicroSystems benefits from having an on-site test facility!

에 게시됨 19/05/2016 18:00:00

In  2014,  Richard  Garvey,  Director  of  Systems Engineering at Allegro MicroSystems, decided it was time to review their testing processes. Richard explains: “We were increasingly reviewing the levels of EMC testing for our Integrated Circuits (ICs) in line with customer demands...Being offsite we lost some of our resources for debug so testing would not be quite complete... It wasn’t always convenient to travel to a testing facility which was a 30 minute round trip.”

To continue to deliver the high standards their customers expected, they needed to review their testing capabilities. They acquired then a SmartShield Anechoic chamber from MVG. How did they benefit from it? Discover it by reading the full case study.

Read the case study

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