Diagnostics on electrically large structures by a nested skeletonization scheme enhancement of the equivalent current technique

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2 Diagnostics on electrically large structures by a nested skeletonization scheme enhancement of the equivalent current technique_1.png

The use of the Fast Multipole Method (FMM) in an equivalent current reconstruction technique, based on a dual-equation formulation, has been presented in the past for antenna design and diagnostics. The method was applied in design validation from measured data, demonstrating diagnostics feasibility of different large antennas up to an equivalent antenna volume of 2380 λ^3. Despite the computational advantages coming from the FMM, the memory request and the run time constraints could be still crucial in the processing of electrically large antennas. An enhancement of the equivalent current reconstruction technique based on a Nested Skeletonization Scheme is here presented. The new technique leads to a further reduction of memory requirements and computational time, applicable to diagnostic investigation of electrically larger problems in a wider frequency band. In this paper the nested skeletonization scheme enhancement of the equivalent current technique is applied and demonstrated for diagnostics on electrically large structures.

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