In this paper, we present an overview and comparison of various experimental techniques to identify the room scattering contribution to the overall measurement uncertainty in spherical nearfield systems. Our primary objective is to determine the upper bound of the uncertainty due to room scattering in the automotive multi-probe system at the Pulsaart by AGC facility. This facility is designed for comprehensive vehicle testing across a broad frequency range from 64 MHz to 6 GHz. At the lower end of this frequency range, room scattering significantly impacts the overall antenna measurement uncertainty budget, making it crucial to quantify the upper bounds of this error. The considered experimental techniques to determine the room
scattering contributions include measuring the same Antenna Under Test (AUT) at multiple translated positions within the chamber, employing advanced post-processing techniques to eliminate room scattering and identify its effects, and combining both approaches. This activity aims to define the room scattering contribution, particularly at lower frequencies, to the range’s overall antenna measurement uncertainty budget.