European School of Antennas- Extended Learning


European School of Antennas- Extended Learning

发表于 20/07/2022 15:00:00

New graduate engineers, researchers, or those wishing to further their knowledge and specialization in antenna design, measurement, and other antenna techniques can register to attend courses organized by the European School of Antennas.

Week-long courses are offered throughout the year from research centers around Europe and with a different focus for each. Though the general organization of ESoA brings the associated universities and industry partners together for planning, the courses are organized independently. This way, those who are interested can register for as many courses they wish and return for more over time.

MVG is proud to sponsor and support ESoA as an industry partner. This year, we are sponsoring the course on Antenna Synthesis, taking place September 5 – 9, at the Università di Napoli Federico II in Anacapri, Italy.

Registration is now open. Save the date and learn more about it today.

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