209 资料
Design of Dual Polarized Wide Band Plane Wave Generator for Direct Far Field Testing
Sean from B-MAC recommends EME Guard XS @ NATE 2016
Compact Antenna Test Range with New Shorter Focal Length for Heavy Duty Antenna Measurements
Virtual Drive Testing based on Automotive Antenna Measurements for Evaluation of Vehicle-to-X Communication Performances
Update of IEEE Std 1720-2012 Recommended Practice for Near-Field Antenna Measurements
Spherical Near-Field Measurements of Satellite Antennas at Extreme Temperatures
A Review of the Changes and Additions to the Antenna Measurement Standard IEEE Std 149
Recent Developments in International Facility Comparison Campaigns
Impact of Phase Curvature on Measuring 5G Millimeter Wave Devices
Experimental validation of Reference Chip Antennas for 5G Measurement Facilities at mm-Wave
Experimental Validation of Minimum Redundancy Scanning Schemes in PNF Measurements at V band
EMC Measurement System Based on Software Defined Radio and Diagnostic Techniques