
Vertrauen bei führenden Herstellern

SGS Leverages MVG Antenna Test System For Rapid Automotive Antenna Testing

MVG has an incredible R&D team and has been instrumental in providing additional technical support as we have built out new automotive antenna test techniques using the MVG chamber.

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MVG Multi-Probe Technology Supports Taoglas Product Development

What we experience with MVG chambers is a test time of around 3-5 minutes compared with the legacy chambers which was closer to 30-40 minutes.

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UTS Plots R&D Antenna Path to Future Wireless Comms with MVG’s Mini-Compact Range

The MVG CR-M is a unique chamber among all Australian universities, enabling us to test antenna far-field performance in both the 8 GHz–26.5 GHz and 60 GHz–90 GHz frequency bands.

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Cisco Picks Up Pace of Antenna Innovation with MVG’s StarLab

StarLab is an astonishing feat of engineering. It has drastically shortened antenna measurement cycles and provided much greater insight into our products. Ways of working have changed dramatically for...

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